To share in the lives of people of a different culture to our own and be enriched through cultural and faith sharing opportunities.
To provide an opportunity for students to develop leadership qualities through service to others.
To lead our students out of their ‘comfort zones’ and provide them with an opportunities to view the world differently.
To raise the awareness for possibilities of missionary and humanitarian work.
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
Every second year Carinya offers an Overseas Cultural Exchange Program. This activity provides a rich and diverse learning experience and it is hoped that through this wonderful opportunity, students will:
Recognise the need to serve others and provide a springboard from which students will consider giving to others, humanitarian and mission work
View the world differently as they are exposed to different cultures
Develop leadership skills as students navigate through challenges of overseas travel and a range of activities designed to stretch students and take them out of their “comfort zones”
Students are challenged by this experience, helping them to value both what we have in Australia, but also the things we lack.
NEXT FIJI TRIP: To Be Confirmed
Carinya is very privileged to enjoy a sister school relationship with Aletheia Shonan High School, Kangawa, Japan. Students from Aletheia visit us each year, providing us with a rare opportunity to enjoy time with students from Japan. School families host our visitors, and students are involved in a range of great activities, sharing and learning about each other’s cultures.
Every second year, students in Year 10 and 11 elective Japanese classes visit Japan. As well as a homestay with Aletheia families, students visit places such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Okayama, Hiroshima and Miyajima. This is an amazing time for our students which provides them with a language and cultural immersion, rich life skills and memories that will last forever.
NEXT JAPAN TRIP: To be confirmed