Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
— Psalm 90:2

Carinya has pursued the development of an excursion and outdoor education program because it offers so much to our students that extends and compliments the curriculum of the classroom. The commitment of the school to the development of the whole person makes the excursion program an invaluable part of the total school curriculum and not just “icing on the cake”.

Carinya's Excursion Program has 3 main benefits:

1. Educational Opportunities

Excursion experiences are usually enriching in themselves, but they can also engender subsequent, follow-up activities in the classroom and even help students reflect on their classroom experience in new and refreshing ways.

A new learning environment always stimulates children to think more broadly and the expertise of other teachers or specialist guides can impact powerfully on students, sometimes in a remarkable way.

2. Social Interaction

It is obvious to those who staff the excursion program that the intense nature of the experiences significantly enhances the development of self-confidence, initiative, co-operation, determination and organisational skills of most of the students.

Students experience:

  • personal and social growth

  • new challenges and learn to cope with change

  • the development of decision making and communication skills

  • responsibility for the welfare of others

  • the demands of service developing

  • new relationships with peers and teachers in a different environment

3. Gospel Challenges

During every excursion Bible studies are presented on a daily basis, focussing on the “good news” about Jesus and challenging students with the truth of God's Word.

Class Excursions 2022

Tamworth Campus

Year 5 - Lake Keepit SRC

Year 6 - Glenrock Scout Camp, Newcastle

Year 7 - Camp Elim, Forster

Year 8 - Newcastle

Year 9 - Blue Mountains

Year 10 - Gold Coast

Year 11 - Canberra

Year 12 - Mt Blue Cow

2021 Excursion Highlights, Years 7-10 @ Carinya Tamworth


Each year students from Years 5 to 11 enjoy class excursions during Term 1. These excursions are held early in the year to maximise relationships and help prepare students for the year ahead. Class excursions are compulsory for all students and are included within the Annual Tuition Fee.

The Outdoors: Years 9-10

Carinya Tamworth offers elective courses in Years 9 to 10 which provide students with a wonderful experience of the outdoors including the challenges of bushwalking, kayaking, caving, canyoning and rock climbing.