

Students from Carinya travel from as far afield as Gunnedah, Werris Creek, Manilla, Nundle, Somerton and Quirindi. The region is well serviced by bus companies - Hannafords, Tamworth Buslines, Macpherson's Coaches and Peel Valley Coaches.

To view the bus routes and timetables, please visit the bus company website or contact the company directly.

Children eligible for free bus travel must be older than 4 ½ years. Primary students must reside more than 1.6km radial distance from the school or 2.9 km by the most direct practicable walking route. Children younger than 4 ½ travel at the discretion of the bus company. Bus travel forms are available from the school office.

Coming From Gunnedah

A direct bus service operated by Hope and Macphersons Coaches brings students from Gunnedah to CarinyaTamworth.


Students walking home wait in a 'walkers' line near the bus lines. They all leave the school together, accompanied by a teacher who walks them out to Boronia Drive and assists with the road crossing.

Dropping Your Child at School

When dropping off and picking up your children, parents/carers must use Raywood Drive. The entry is off Calala Lane as shown by the circle in the adjacent map. You can drive round to the pick-up / drop-off point as indicated with the arrow in the adjacent map. Please click the button below for new traffic management procedures related to drop off and pick up on Raywood Drive.


School buses drop off and pick up directly out the front of the main school building. Buses start arriving at 8:30am and run until school starts at 8:55am. The buses pick up again, starting at 3:00pm. Many children travel to and from school in this manner.

Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 who are eligible for free bus travel under the School Student Transport Scheme must be older than 4 and a half years. Eligible students in Years 3 to 6 must reside more than 1.6km radial distance from the school or 2.3 km by the most direct practicable walking route. Children younger than 4 ½ travel at the discretion of the bus company. Bus travel forms are available from the school office.

Subsidised travel to and from school in private vehicles may also be available in areas where there is no public transport available. Also, students with a disability who are unable to travel to and from school under the School Student Transport Scheme may be eligible for assistance under the Department of Education Assisted School Travel Program.

More information regarding free bus travel, subsidised travel or the Assisted School Travel Program can be found at https://apps.transport.nsw.gov.au/ssts/#/.

All applications are also made online at the above web address.

Four bus companies regularly service the local area. Specific information related to your circumstances can be obtained from the school or by ringing the local companies.