Carinya accepts Enrolment Applications throughout the entire school year. Please contact us on 67620970 (Tamworth) or 67422766 (Gunnedah) to make an enquiry.

We are very pleased you are considering Carinya for your family. We believe Carinya has a marvellous contribution to make to the life of every child enrolled at the school. We look forward to meeting you and being of assistance to you in the nurturing and education of your children.
“Carinya taught me the value of professionalism and having high standards which are required in every workplace. I also loved the saying “Your best is always good enough, but only your best is good enough.”
1. Make an Enquiry. Get in touch by calling the school or using our enquiry form.
Phone (Gunnedah): 02 6742 2766 (Option 1)
Phone (Tamworth): 02 6762 0970 (Option 1)
School tours can be requested when making an enquiry, but please note they are not always available. To streamline enrolment, we suggest submitting your application first (step 2) to combine your tour with an enrolment interview (step 3).
2. Complete the Application for Enrolment form. If you wish to proceed to enrolment we ask that you read fully the Application for Enrolment Form and then complete and submit the form to the school.
3. Attend an Enrolment Interview. Following your contact with the school, an interview will be arranged with the Principal or his delegate. At that interview, you will have ample opportunity to ask questions, observe the school in operation and to make the school more aware of your intentions and aspirations for your child.
4. Offer of Enrolment. Applications for enrolment are processed as quickly as possible. After your interview you may receive a formal written Offer of Enrolment for you to respond to. If you wish to accept the Offer of Enrolment at Carinya, you are required to pay a non-refundable Enrolment Administration Fee of $300. This is a once-off charge, payable before your child/ren commence and covers siblings to be enrolled in future years. The administration fee is non-refundable if you withdraw your enrolment before the commencement date. The date of entry to the school is by mutual agreement.