Junior School at Carinya encompasses the first four years of Primary School, and helps give students the best start to their formal schooling. By helping children feel safe and precious, being made in the image of God, opportunities abound for students to learn, play, make friends and grow. With our smaller classes we love the privilege of helping children learn to read, write and count, working hard to meet the needs of every child.
The “flagship” of the curriculum is Living in God’s World (LIGW). This subject integrates Key Learning Areas from across the NESA syllabi and demonstrates the Lordship of Christ over all things. Professional learning, collaboration, coaching and mentoring programs help our staff provide the best education and care for our students.
The Junior School environment fosters a culture of care and nurturing by older students, as they experience the happy mixing of all ages in the playground, with regular opportunities to interact and enjoy community together at formal assemblies, special occasions and shared curriculum activities.
Explicit teaching of literacy and numeracy
Flexible, well resourced learning spaces
Access to secondary school facilities and expertise
A focus on confidence and resilience in Christ
An excursion program that builds on classroom experiences and enhances student learning
The opportunity to participate in many sport and extra-curricular activities
KINDERGYM (5-6 year olds) and GYMFUN (6-10 year olds) programs (at Carinya Tamworth)
“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

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