““And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds...””
The Learning Support team implement programs for students who require additional personal or academic support. Staff work closely with classroom teachers to ensure that identified students are fully and realistically integrated in the regular classroom, at the same time as making provision for the withdrawal of such students for specialist teaching.
The Learning Support team pursues and enjoys a close working relationship with the parents of identified students. Meetings are organised between a student’s parents and teachers and there is ongoing management of the close link between home and school to ensure good communication and planning.
Carinya’s Independent Learning Program helps students engage with, and explore, God’s world by providing students in Years 3 to 10 with extended learning opportunties. Students are involved in completing individual and group work projects aimed at developing skills such as creative thinking, investigating, planning, problem solving and presenting.
Students in Years 3 - 8 who are a part of the Independent Learning Program (ILP), spend two lessons each week in a small group environment, working on extended learning tasks, guided by the ILP teacher.
To cater for their academic demands students in Years 9 and 10, who would benefit from extended learning opportunities, are identified and targeted for individual and group based external tasks and competitions.
We recognise that mental health and well-being are significant concerns that impact on a student’s capacity to engage in their education. Carinya’s Wellbeing Team helps meet these concerns by providing counselling, referrals and support within our Christian Framework.
Students in Years 7-12 at both Tamworth and Gunnedah campuses can ask their pastoral care teacher to speak with our school counsellor, Mrs Carter (Tamworth) or Mrs Cappellin (Gunnedah).
Parents can refer on behalf of their child by contacting the relevant Head of School.
The Pastoral Care program runs across all year groups from Kindergarten upwards, with teachers providing care and support for students in their classes. Teachers take time to read the Bible and pray with students each day, as they present Jesus as Lord and King. The Pastoral Care program seeks to develop character traits from a biblical perspective and help students become people of integrity, faithfulness and service, in thankfulness to the Lord Jesus.
Carinya’s Health Care Coordinator cares for students with various medical needs, be it on occasional visits to sick bay or regular medical care. The Health Care Coordinator works with parents to create Health Care Plans needed to keep children safe at school or on excursions.
Gunnedah Counsellor
Student Healthcare Coordinator
Tamworth Counsellor
Tamworth Play Therapy
Mental Health
Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realises their own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to their community (World Health Organisation).
Mental illnesses are common in the Australian community. A national survey in 2007 found that 1 in 5 people had a common mental illness at some time during the previous 12 months. Half of all people who experience a mental illness have their first episode by the age of 18.
The information provided by links and support provided by the listed ‘helplines’ is designed to give students and parents access to a range of services. Early intervention (including visiting a doctor) and getting support is critical to help ensure the best mental health outcomes.
At Carinya, if any student presents with symptoms of a mental health illness, appropriate support will be given and parents (in all but exceptional circumstances) will be notified. ‘Home and school together’ can be a powerful tool to help students experiencing a mental health condition. Referrals to professional support services will also be investigated and recommended by the school.

Mental Health Links
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467
Beyondblue support services: 1300 659 467
Headspace Tamworth (15-25 years): 6762 9290
Lifeline 24 hour counselling: 13 11 14
Psychiatric Emergency Care Centre: 1800 655 085
Tamworth Base Hospital: 6767 7700
The Butterfly Foundation (for eating disorders): 1800 334 673